
The Epidemic of Widowhood

Addressing widowhood is critical to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Disinheritance, Discrimination, and Harmful Practices endured by widows in parts of the world and particularly in Africa directly links widowhood to poverty (SDG 1) and indirectly linked to most of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Hands of God Widows Support Initiative (HOGWIN) holds the position that Nigeria can not achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 without securing the rights of widows.

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Rights Violations

Widows particularly in Africa and Asia suffer 3 main violations of their rights:

  • Widows are denied the right of inheritance, including things brought into marriage or contributed during married years
  • Widows become part of an estate and inherited herself
  • Widows are prevented from accessing rights
  • Widows are denied government entitlements
  • Widows have no access to justice
  • Widows suffer social stigma, shame, & taboo
Harmful practices
  • Widows are subjected to cleansing rites including cutting, and scarring
  • Widows are subjected to intense sexual violence and forced marriage